
Mary Kyprianou, Ph.D., BCB, Senior Fellow


Dr. Kyprianou was the recipient of a Fellowship Award during her Doctoral Studies at Wayne State University and was involved in extensive research under the prestigious Nobel Prize Nominee, Dr. Lida Mattman, in Immunopathology and Pathogenic Bacteriology. Having been a lecturer and Distinguished Professor Award recipient in Anatomy and Physiology, she has also enjoyed being a speaker at numerous seminars and organizational meetings on autonomic nervous system disorders.

Dr. Kyprianou is Board Certified in Biofeedback and a Senior Fellow of Biofeedback Certification International Alliance. Since 1994, she has dedicated her career to educating and helping patients with dysregulation of the autonomic nervous system.  Dr. Kyprianou deepened her experience in autonomic dysfunction over the last 12 years with extensive experience helping Migraine, POTS and  Dysautonomia patients from all over the world. She has developed and implemented a program that has been evolving through the years with advanced computerized technology and is utilized effectively by the team of specialists at the POTS Treatment Center.